
Contact Information


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Hannes: 082 806 8895
Janette: 082 493 9495

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About us

Discover - Identity - Purpose

Koinonia Discipleship Training Academy (KDTA) is a twelve-month discipleship internship, in partnership with Raymond Lombard Ministries, designed to help adults learn and experience what it means to embody the love of Jesus and become Christ-honouring leaders. The students will:

At KDTA we commit ourselves to trust God’s story, love audaciously, practice radial hospitality, include others, make disciples, and being used by Jesus Christ to serve the community.

Students will live on-site, share dorm rooms, and join the campus community while learning what it means to live in the body of Christ.

A typical day program will include the following:

In this program, we will strive to balance the student’s time between indoor and outdoor activities.

Koinonia’s aim in education and curriculum is to add value to the students’ lives. Hands-on training is used throughout the curriculum to help students build foundational skills and spiritual habits needed to lead a balanced life and to be of service in any context.

Koinonia curriculum is developed with this ministry’s motto in mind:

Discover, Identity and Purpose

The curriculum includes:

Colossians 1:9-10 “And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (ESV)

Koinonia is a safe place where students are encouraged to ask hard questions and wrestle with doubts, spend time with mature Christians learning how to read the Bible for themselves and establish biblical foundations and understand God’s unconditional love for them.

Discipleship is a primary focus, and Koinonia students should leave the campus knowing how to talk about their faith and teach others to follow Jesus as well.

2 John 1:8 “Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for but, may win a full reward.” (ESV)

Koinonia students will step away from everyday life, establish an identity rooted in Jesus, and discover a life-changing purpose. Students will learn about personality types, individual strengths, and what it means to find one’s identity in Christ. Koinonia staff members will work alongside students to develop personal mission statements, identify core values, and learn practical life skills as foundations for their future life journey.

Psalm 16:11: “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (KJV)

The adventure leadership and other team-building activities will be used to develop both hard and soft skills. Some of these skills include understanding group dynamics, planning adventure experiences, risk management, and adapting to cultural differences.

1 Peter 4:10-11: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very word of God.” (NIV)

Koinonia students will have many opportunities to serve at the Koinonia Campus and in the local community, true leaders practice humility and serve others. Serving during outreaches in the community and abroad (missions) will develop the skill to serve with excellence.

Applications will be accepted until all 34 spaces are filled. Once a student submits his/her application, a Koinonia staff member will reach out to schedule a meet-and-greet meeting. This will be their chance to ask questions and learn more about the leadership team. If the Koinonia Directors agree that this program fits with the students’ personal goals, all that will be left will be for them to send in their deposits to reserve their space for the ten months of Koinonia 2023 discipleship year!

Koinonia Discipleship Training Academy is an extraordinary ten-month developmental programme with a grounded curriculum and with dynamic personal coaching that effectively transforms lives.


Our vision

The vision of Koinonia Discipleship Training Academy is to help students to grow to a greater revelation and a deeper understanding of the faithful, matchless nature and character of God in a safe environment.

Our mission

Koinonia and discipleship are very closely related

Before there can be koinonia, there must be a conversion of heart where we no longer live for ourselves, which is the essence of discipleship. And true community, where sacrificial love is practiced, strengthens us to walk as disciples. So koinonia is the fruit of discipleship, and discipleship is sustained by koinonia.

Like what you see? It is cool hey!